I’ve been working on SEO strategies for a broad range of adult industry companies and sex workers since the beginning of Google. Here I share the first 3 SEO steps I take when starting to work with a new SEO client.
1. Consider the big picture
While getting listed on page 1 of Google for your most obvious keywords may be your ultimate goal, the truth is that if the keywords are particularly competitive it may not happen within 12 months. Often it can take longer.
The riches are in the niches.

So if it’s going to take that long for your website to climb up Google ranking results, meantime, how else can we quickly gain traffic from Google? The answer is by creating search engine optimised content for other keywords.
I ask my clients to think about their specific niches and specialities, and what types of sessions they would really love to be getting booked for. We also consider how their ideal client will be searching for those services. Those niches become your keywords and voila we have the basis for a brand new page or blog post for your website.
When a client finds your website while searching for their specific niche (that you just happen to adore as well) and then books a session, it’s a match made in heaven, right?
Example: If your favourite activity is chastity training but all you do is simply mention that on a list of activities, the keyword will get lost amongst the noise. I want you to create a full-page dedication to this service. Place yourself as the authority on the subject. If it is a highly competitive subject 300 words really are not enough – I recommend at least 1000. Use the keywords in the page title, repeat the keyword and its synonyms throughout the text. Make sure you include at least one photo and add alt-text to the photo.
You sell what you show.
Google will not only love your new page but your potential client will consider you an expert and who doesn’t want to leave their prized possession in the hands of an expert?
2. Local SEO.
Always include your location when you are writing about something that would involve a real-time meeting.
Further to my example above – if you are only interested in real-time meets for chastity training, you will benefit from adding your location to the page dedicated to chastity. Your page title could be something like Chastity Training Mistress in <your location>. Include variations of that phrase throughout your page text. Your location is not only important to Google but it improves your website visitor’s experience too.
3. Backlinks.
Recently a client was confused because her colleague’s website was listed on page 1 for a specific set of keywords to which she herself had been devoting all her SEO efforts – even though her colleague claimed that she didn’t even know wtf SEO was! I did some research i.e internet stalked on said colleague and discovered they’d gained plenty of mainstream publicity which to Google, is the equivalent of a gold medal. So Google takes into account the value of your global branding too. The more your website and brand has infiltrated the WWW, the more reputable Google will trust that you are the most worthwhile source to offer its users in the search results.
Where, as Sex Workers, can we find these “backlinks”?
You might think mistress directories are a waste of money and time, however, Google considers your listings on these websites as votes for your websites! I recommend you regularly seek out new backlinks to your websites, whether it is the latest Mistress directory, an alternative edgy magazine or mainstream press – if you want that kind of publicity in your life.
So, what should you do next?
- Write a blog post or new page on your favourite kink. If you wish to gain local visitors, include your location.
- Tweet your new pages! Not just once, repeating tweets of your website content is OK.
- Get listed on local & national Mistress Directories
- Collaborate online with other sites and even other SWers to improve your global branding
Here are some older posts relevant to this topic that might help you write your new post/page:
SEO tips for attracting clients you will love
SEO is a popularity contest
If you know how important SEO is for your website, but don’t have the time to implement it or would rather just leave it to an expert Contact Me