by webmiss | Feb 10, 2016 | Fetish and BDSM photos, Latest work
London Mistress, Lady Bellatrix and I spent quite a few good months working towards the launch of the International Glaminatrix; Lady Bellatrix herself, came to Paris to celebrate. (more…)
by webmiss | May 11, 2015 | Latest work
Work in the months of April and May have so far mostly been busy with projects for my fellow Taurean lady clients – happy days, as I really love the Taurean no-nonsense yet open-minded work ethic. (more…)
by webmiss | Jan 6, 2015 | Latest work
As always, it is a great pleasure to work with the lovely Madame Caramel. This project was to develop the brand and website for the upcoming celebration of fetish, BDSM and female domination; the first ever FemDom Ball which will take place in London, June 2015.
Feminine, stylish and PINK were the only requests Madame Caramel made for the website design. I created a slightly grungy style background and used a stylised font full of flourish called ‘PolySpring’ for the logo. The site is mobile responsive, meaning it will collapse into a smaller version when viewed on a tablet or other smart device. Though it really does look its best on a larger screen.
Flyers for print and web banners were also included.
Follow the logo to visit the site >

by webmiss | Oct 21, 2014 | Latest work
An opportunity to indulge in a fun fetish photo shoot presented itself last July when la Maitresse formidable, Lady Bellatrix came to Paris. Bella sent me a photo of her gorgeous hotel suite, sumptuously decorated in deep red and gold in a style celebrating la Belle Époque. I knew instantly there was going to be some creative knocking of the heads. (more…)
by webmiss | Jun 6, 2014 | Latest work
My working hours are currently very reduced due to ^^ the above ? . I still welcome all enquiries, however, my response may not be as instant as usual. I will return to full-time work in September. Many thanks for your understanding and, to my current clients – who are very dear to me – thank you for your patience!
Rachel May
by webmiss | Feb 23, 2014 | Latest work
Two great projects that have kept me busy over the last 6 months are the new look websites for, the well-loved London fetish events; Club Subversion and London Alternative Market.
Club Subversion has been a favourite club for the London scene since it first opened its doors some 10 years ago. Mistress Absolute came to me asking for a fresh new design along with a system that she could easily updated herself. It seemed natural that the lovely Bobette‘s photography should be showcased and rightly so as having such great imagery to choose from made the design work so much easier for me. Thanks to both Mistress Absolute and Bobette for choosing to work with me. xx
London is lucky to have such a wide selection of alternative shops and club and London Alternative Market successfully manages to combine those two in the one place, once a month. Their website was in dire need of a re-haul not only to make it easier for the organisers to update themselves, but for site visitors to navigate their way around more easily, and also to showcase the monthly vendors who exhibit their wares. We added a directory, an event calendar and have started to work on the social media aspect too.